Micheldever new town promoters support development on Popham airfield

The Dever Society is unsurprised that O’Flynn Group, the developers promoting the new town at Micheldever, have announced their support for the proposed ‘garden village’ on Popham airfield. We always said that they would see Popham as an opportunity to promote the new town, with offers to share infrastructure etc. The result would be a massive 9,000-11,000 home town in the north of Winchester District, something that would not only erode the important green gap between Winchester and Basingstoke, but would also have negative impacts on the District, by sucking investment away from Winchester city and causing huge increases in traffic.

You can read about O’Flynn Group’s position in the Hampshire Chronicle by clicking here.


CPRE Hampshire objects to Popham airfield plan


Leaflet about Basingstoke developments sent to all households in Micheldever Parish